Be part of a change
you want to see in the world
Jesus says: “Go and announce to them that the Kingdom of Heaven is near. Heal the
sick, raise the dead, cure those with leprosy, and cast out demons. Give as FREELY as
you have received!” Matthew 10:7-8
Divine Grace Foundation is a family-led non-profit organization that provides a blend of
resources to communities suffering from severe socioeconomic inequities across the globe. We
combat poverty outcomes through personal development and community empowerment
initiatives. The foci include economic, health, and spiritual provisions. Divine Grace also seeks
to inspire and facilitate the sharing of resources (wealth, talents, time, and systems) amongst
community members – essentially a “culture of generosity”. Finally, we invoke government,
corporate, religious, academic, and community leaders to unite resources and create an ultimate
model for economic reform.
Divine Grace Foundation aims to execute the Kingdom commission to combat and heal
community disorders across the globe. Divine Grace Foundation: an extension of God’s love and
healing to the world. We meet people at the very site of suffering through our financial, health,
and spiritual educational programming and strategic partners.
As a result of this mandate, our vision is to combine and create systems that will generate more
socio-economic equity, redistributing resources in a fashion that fosters economic mobility. We
aim to produce more life-giving environments that foster innovation, improve health, a sense of
belonging, and economic mobility
Learn More about Divine Grace